Brecon Carreg Ploggers Keep Cardiff Bay Polished

A team of wonderful Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay ‘Ploggers’ were at the heart of the action on Sunday 26th September, helping to keep Cardiff Bay as waste free as possible post event.

Ploggers, who jogged and picked up litter en-route the Cardiff Bay Run, were given complimentary spaces courtesy of title partners Brecon Carreg.

The plogging campaign was established to keep the run tidy with Keep Wales Tidy, but also to demonstrate how both R4W (Run 4 Wales) and Brecon Carreg are devoted to ensuring a sustainable future for events.

Brecon Carreg, are committed to environmental changes by 2025, including introducing 100% recyclable and 100% recycled packaging, using 15% less plastic packaging and working with leaders across the industry to come up with viable solutions to the plastic problem.

Eleri Morgan, Brecon Carreg Brand Manager said: ‘We had a fantastic response to our ploggers at the event. As well as helping to improve recycling rates on the course, they also increased the awareness of recycling to spectators on the day – something we’re continually looking to improve on each year. A huge thank you to everyone for using the recycling bins!’

R4W are working towards a greener future with their Green Action Plan which outlines a number of actions, from responsible sourcing of materials to reducing and eliminating plastic waste at events.

The Ploggers were a great success, collecting over 10 bags full of litter – echoing the feel and theme of the event, with over 90% of participants noting that protecting the environment was ‘important’ to them in the event’s official post-race survey.

The team at R4W would like to say a huge thank you to Brecon Carreg and the their team of ploggers for using their entries to promote a greener event.