David Running With Wife Vicky For Velindre Cancer Centre!

David Mitchell will be taking on the Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay Run

“I was diagnosed with bowel cancer on New Years Eve 2019/20 whilst still living in Kent. 

After undergoing surgery just before Covid set in I then started a course of chemotherapy in Kent which was not to prove successful.  As the chemotherapy was not working I was switched onto immunotherapy (Nivolumab) in July 2020.  This thankfully stabilised the cancer. 

Due to my health, the Covid pandemic which meant we were shielding and the loss of my mother in April 2020 we made the big decision to move to Wales to be closer to Vicky’s sister and family in October 2020.

The move went through and we moved 14th May 2021 to Llanharan, Pontyclun. Moving my treatment was obviously a huge worry, particulary as the treatment had to change to Pembrolizumab, but the transfer from Kent to Dr Yim at the Velindre was seamless and my new treatment started at the end of May 2021. 

Subsequent scans have shown the cancers have shrunk which is a fantastic surprise and I am feeling the strongest I have done for some 2+ years 

I never imagined I would be running again during the last couple of years (having previously done half marathons and 10k’s prior to diagnosis) and so Vicky and I wanted to raise some funds to say thank you for the excellent treatment I receive from the Velindre and to celebrate better health.”