Medal & T-Shirt Designs Revealed for 2022

Brand-new medal and t-shirt designs for 2022 have been unveiled ahead of the return of the Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay Run this weekend.

A group of staff, patients and supporters from Lead Charity Partner Velindre were on hand to help reveal the designs, days before they tackle the 10K in Cardiff Bay on Sunday 22 May.

The finishers medal, given to every runner at the finish line this year features the ‘People Like Us’ statue, found in Mermaid Quay. It represents the people who lived and worked in the area, then known as ‘Tiger Bay’ in the days when it was a thriving commercial port.

The medal is the first in a five-piece matching set, collectable for those taking on all of the races in the Healthspan Wales 10K Series this year – which includes events in Cardiff Bay, Porthcawl, Barry Island and Newport, as well as an innovative virtual race.

The commemorative finishers tee is also a nod to the history of ‘Tiger Bay’, featuring a unique design and image of the tiger graffiti that can be found at the Cardiff Bay Barrage Skate Park, which runners pass at the around the 8-kilometre mark of the course.

Bethan Lewis, Hayley Davies, Stephen Riddick, Gary Powell and Pauline Diamond were the first to get a glimpse at the new designs at a photoshoot on the Cardiff Bay Barrage.

Bethan from Cardiff works for the Velindre NHS Trust. Having worked for them for 2 years, she was inspired to take on the 10K – fully aware of how important every penny raised is to support treatment and care: “I’ve started and stopped NHS couch to 5K apps more times than I can count and have never run anywhere near 10K. I’m determined to reach my goal of running the whole way!”.

Hayley from Llantwit Major is patient at Velindre. She was part of the Derek’s Dazzlers group, fronted by BBC weatherman Derek Brockway who took part in the event last year. She’s kept running and is back for more in 2022!

Stephen is retired and from Porth. His wife passed away from cancer in 2008 and was treated at Velindre. His Mother was also treated at Velindre, so he’s keen to help raise vital funds. Gary is also from Porth and is a member of the All Stars group, a team made up of past and current patients and their families who have been training together.

Pauline Diamond from Cardiff was a member of the Derek’s Dazzlers group last year and is back for more in 2022, also forming part of the ‘All Stars’ team.

What do you think of the new designs? Join the conversation on social media on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.